Modifier 24 with E/M Services During the Major and Minor Procedures Postoperative Period

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Modifier 24 with E/M Services During the Major and Minor Procedures Postoperative Period

Date Issued: 9/7/2018

A Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) policy states: “Separate payment is not allowed for evaluation and management (E/M) services billed during the postoperative period with modifier 24 (Unrelated E/M by the same physician during a postoperative period) without sufficient indication that the visit is unrelated to the surgery.”

Modifier 24 is intended for use with services that are absolutely unrelated to the surgery; it is not intended to be used for the medical management of a patient by the surgeon following surgery.

Major Procedure
Any evaluation and management services billed with modifier 24 during a major surgical procedure 90-day postoperative period with a complication of surgical and medical care diagnosis or an aftercare diagnosis will be denied.

Minor Procedure
Any evaluation and management services billed with modifier 24 during a minor surgical procedure 10-day postoperative period with a complication of surgical and medical care diagnosis or an aftercare diagnosis will be denied.